March is National Kidney Month.
1 in 7 Americans are dealing with kidney disease. Maintaining residual kidney function and preventing further disease progression is crucial. Furthermore, 1 in 3 Americans (~33%) are at risk of developing kidney disease. If you are at risk of developing kidney disease, the key is to control risk factors and prevent developing kidney disease.
This month’s newsletter during National Kidney Month is to spread awareness.
Here are some common questions with useful information and tips on kidneys.
What do kidneys do?
- Filter waste from the blood -balance our uid levels
- Regulate blood pressure
- Maintain healthy bones by activating vitamin D
- Balance the amount of acid in our blood
- Assist in the production of red blood cells
- Balance electrolytes in our blood
What are common factors that put me at risk of kidney disease?
- Diabetes
- Hypertension
- Heart disease
- Family history
- Age greater than 60
What do I feel when I have kidney disease?
Unfortunately, symptoms do not occur until kidney disease or kidney failure is advanced. Furthermore, symptoms related to kidney disease can be nonspecific. However, some of the symptoms of kidney failure or advanced kidney disease are:
- Decreased appetite or change in taste
- Fluid retention and swelling typically involves the ankles and legs, but can also include abdomen, arms and face
- Increased thirst
- Foamy or bloody urine
- Increased thirst
- Fatigue
Next Steps
What tests can I undergo to assess the health of my kidneys? Ask your healthcare provider for a single blood and urine test which will measure the following:
- Glomerular Filtration Rate: using blood creatinine, your healthcare provider can estimate your kidney function. If your kidney function is lower than expected, your healthcare provider might refer you to a kidney specialist, a nephrologist, to further investigate the cause of your kidney dysfunction while collaborating with you to treat or prevent any further progression of your kidney disease.
- Urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio: albumin is a type of protein. Most of our albumin is in our blood, and only a minimal amount of albumin should be found in our urine. An abnormally high amount of albumin in your urine may indicate that you have a specific medical condition affecting your kidneys and allowing albumin or protein to filter through the kidneys into your urine. Your healthcare provider might refer you to a kidney specialist, a nephrologist, if you have a significant amount of albumin/protein in your urine.
How do I manage my kidney disease or prevent kidney disease from happening?
Talk to your healthcare provider. If you have kidney disease, the focus of your management will be based on the cause of your kidney disease. If you do not have kidney disease but have medical risk factors for developing kidney disease, the focus of your management is to control your risk factors. Your healthcare provider might refer you to a nephrologist for further management, treatment, and preventative strategies to optimize your kidney function.
Stay Connected: additional resources at National Kidney Foundation